Thursday, 27 July 2017

Butter scortch burfy(Sweet)



Sweet cova    -    1 Kg
Sugar        -    100 grm
Butter scortch essense -    1 tbls
Fried kaju    -    1/2 cup




Place a pan on the stove add sugar and water to it. Make the sugar boil to 5 minutes and add kaju to it. Now Kaju Burfy is ready. Mash this kaju burfy and add butter scotch essense and mix it good. Take a plate apply ghee to it and add the mixture evenly and cut it into different shapes and serve it.


Kaju is good for growing children. Daily intake of 10 Kaju helps to improve the metabolism.
Cashews are high in calories. 100 g of nuts provide 553 calories. They packed with soluble dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and numerous health-promoting phytochemicals that help protect from diseases and cancers.

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